Friday, September 19, 2008


This week in Environmental Science we were learning about each one of the biomes (tundra, rain forest, etc) and the particulars of each. Wednesday we did a lab where we made GAK which the kids loved. Basically GAK is silly putty but made with glue, water, and borax solution with coloring. Since we had been discussing how different animals were adapted to live in particular biomes, I got an insane idea. I made the students de-evolve in order to complete the lab by making them tape their opposoble thumbs down. It was so stinking hillarious to see them attempt to use the other four fingers to pour, stir, etc. Then I made them write their notes using their fingers too! Oh I am so evil but it was just priceless!!!! I am adding some pics but cropped off their faces in case any of them are in the witness protection program. (I asked if anyone was but for some reason no one would tell me hahaha)

2 people love me:

Kira =] said...

That is hilarious! I love making GAK. I keep borax powder on hand for other stuff, so it's a great break from everything else going on. Taping down the opposable thumb - what a great idea!!

I might have to try that out and enjoy a few laughs (anything cheap & fun to break up my days). =]

Angie said...

Oh, I LOVE that you made them tape their thumbs down!!! Ha ha ha!