Thursday, March 5, 2009

Update on the BROKE KNEE

Okay kiddies I now have more time and more pain meds in my system for an update. I figured you all deserved the REAL story (since it is so very "me").

Yesterday 6:30am:
I go to school early to get things accomplished before a meeting that I had. I dressed all kinds of cute to impress my husband (who did not even see my cuteness b/c the next time I would see him would be in a sexy size 4X gown).

I was heading down my trailer ramp to my meeting when Mr. Black Ice decided to jump up and bite me. Since I was dressed cute, I had on heels and slipped down the ramp on the ice. Having the cat-like reflexes that I do, I tried to catch myself and ended up in the "Superstar" pose, which left my left knee to pound into the wooden porch ramp.

7:00am and 30 sec:
Two girls noticed my 'grace' and ran over to check on me. Why are they at school at 7am?! I pretended that I was cool, cool and walked (hobbled) on my way to my meeting. We had the meeting and I refused to look at the knee or even think about the pain. I was a gymnast and a dancer for over 20yrs after all. I mean seriously...

8:05 am:
I played it cool all the way back to my trailer and then took a gander at my handywork. Lovely. It was swollen up like a dang grapefruit that has been ran over twice by a Mac Truck. I contemplated not telling anyone then reality set in that, "We are talking about me here and, if I do not, then it is likely to have Gang Green and rot off!".

8:07 am:
I walked to the nurse's office just to let her look at it and tell me to put some ice on it. WRONG ANSWER SISTER! She took one look and freaked. "Go lay down on my table. Put some ice on it. What is your mother's number at work?" And then she immediately called the principal. Is this neccessary? Ummmm yea anyways.

8:15 am:
My mother shows up and they literally carry me out to her car while every human being within a mile radius came out on the porches and watched. Awesome. She drove me to the ER where they proceeded to treat me as an amputee and loaded me onto a wheelchair.

***No this is NOT a joke so do not think I am pulling your leg. (pun intended)***

10 am ish:
They Xrayed 100 times and determined there was no significant breaks but that it was far to swollen to make a decision about the ACL, MCL, LCL, and menescus. (Sidenote: I had suregery to repair that same knee's menescus in 2004!) So they put me in an immobilizer brace that goes from my hip to my ankle b/c it is too big and they could not find and child's size (how embarassing?!). And, to top it all off, I am on crutches which work very well out in Trailerville USA.

I am VERRRRRRY grateful that it was no larger of a deal than it was. I am thankful to have Trailerville USA to teach at. I am thankful for a wonderful mommy to drive me around since I cannot fit my darn leg into the drivers' seat much less drive my standard. I am thankul for my awesome mommy-in-law that is allowing me to live on her couch propped up on her furniture. And I am eternally grateful for a hubby who decided to marry a clutz like me.

Anybody want to contribute to my "Crystal needs a plastic bubble fund"?

Seriously though, I am going to the orthopedic to see exactly what we are dealing with so PLEASE send some prayers up to the big G-O-D for me.

*****STACE & KIRA*****
Thank you for my precious note and M&Ms! I LOVE YOU TOO MORE THAN green M&Ms (which is a lot)!

(and Stace, would I ever ever ever miss our party? ummm even if I was in a body cast I would be there) <3

4 people love me:

*Lyndsey said...

knee problems are HORRIBLE...I have had two knee surgeries myself, one in high school and one right after. Go see Dr. Brooks at Southern Bone and Joint in Enterprise. He's wonderful. :) He did both my knees, my mother's knee replacements, my brother's arm family has paid for at least one boat. But he's wonderful.

the happy thomas family said...

so glad to hear that it wasn't 'as bad' as it could have been. here's to hoping that the ortho has good news for you. i hope that you are on the mend in no time!

joint problems stink, though, i know. i broke my elbow as a kid and have knee problems now from years of dancing and being wild. i actually hobbling around right now. but, remember that you are in my prayers ALWAYS, and that i am here if you need anything. love you!

ps... glad you are still up for the party. i'm excited!

Kristy said...

Girl friend What is going on? We need to talk about all this self injury... Your just killing me with your bad luck your having. I'm glad to see you still have your witty sense of Humor, I just love you girl. Just let me know if you need anything, really anything I would love to help, even if it's just prayers and some better luck! I worry about you. I wanted to tell you I love your new Hairstyle it's so cute. You look just like Alice! Can't wait to go to the party and to get together with you!

Angie said...

Good grief, girl. Your medical adventures never end!