Monday, October 6, 2008

Darn you for tagging me! =)

Ok Stace! I will humor you with your little tagging game....


The rules: Link the person(s) who tagged you. Mention the rules on your blog. Share 5 things that others probably don’t know about you. Tag fellow bloggers. Visit their blogs to see what they put! Enjoy

1. When I was born, I spent my first weeks in an oxygen tent b/c of pneumothorax in my lungs. That is why I only run if chased.

2. I have a seriously sick addiction to Law and Order of every type.

3. When I was 4, I actually went to Sunbeams even though I was Southern Baptist. (foretelling the future?)

4. I turned an extra bedroom into my closet b/c I have SOOOO many clothes.

5. By the time I was 6, I was dancing 40 hours a week! I've danced in NY, LA, Boston, Atl, Bham, and even for an Atlanta Falcons game. I was offered to work for Disney but then I wouldn't have met my eternal companion. (awwww)

1 people love me:

the happy thomas family said...

well, thanks for doing it! i have a love/hate relationship with these thingamajigs... but they are fun, nonetheless.