Monday, May 5, 2008

987,762 Things to Do...

As the days until the end of school and closer to the wedding get fewer and fewer, I find myself getting more bogged down into the 987,762 things that I have to do. The good news is that I normally perform better under large amounts of stress. My only concern is, "Will I be sane by the time June rolls around?"

On the lighter side of things, wedding plans are progressing well. We met with our coordinator for the ring ceremony and everything seems to be great. Jacob and I have begun temple prep classes which are quite enlightening I must say. Pretty much all is gravy baby (I am still freakin out though for some reason)....

1 people love me:

Angie said...

Just take a deep breath. You'll be fine! Keep in mind it's the MARRIAGE that needs the big focus, rather than the wedding, and it'll all fall into a better perspective. Keep it up, girl!