Monday, May 12, 2008

Please Pray for my Cousin Kellie!

Hey there everyone. Happy late Mother's Day to all those wonderful females out there. ;) I am writing this blog to ask all of you readers to send up a little prayer to Heavenly Father for my cousin, Kellie. Yesterday afternoon she was on the lake with her family 'tubing' when she flew off the tube onto her hubby's shoulder (slamming her jaw/head) and landing unconscious in the water. She was airlifted from Florala to Dothan last night and seems to be doing 'okay' and have no visible broken vertebrae. Today they were supposed to be performing more tests on her (MRIs, etc) to check for internal damage. She is a mere 19yrs old and is super-scared so PLEASE keep her in your prayers. Also pray that Heavenly Father will provide funds for the hospital bills since they have no insurance.

1 people love me:

Kira =] said...

update please? Just wondering how she's doing and everything.Thanks. =]

Yeah and an update on you guys would be great, too! What's the exact date again?