Sunday, May 25, 2008

Why I disappeared...

Hey all. I am sorry that I disappeared for the last week or so. Truth is that I've been in the Enterprise hospital for the last week. Yeah! Two and a half weeks ago I began having food poisoning symptoms that worsened with each passing day. Finally Jacob became concerned enough that he MADE me call the doctor. Dr Hayes scheduled me for a EGD and colonoscopy and sent me home with a bag full of meds Wednesday morning. By that afternoon I was vomiting up each sip of water, so I was admitted to the hospital. After 5 IVs, 12 tubes of blood, 1 colonoscopy, 1 hydascan, and 1 EGD test; they determined that I have 2 problems. I have several hundred ulcers in tummy that were bleeding and my galbladder was functioning at 23%. This morning (Sunday) the doc decided to take out my galbladder b/c he thought it was most of my problem. I had the surgery at 2pm today and they FINALLY allowed me to go home. I would not reccomend lying in a hospital bed fpr 5 days to anyone. You get no rest at all (despite popular belief) b/c they constantly poke and prod every 2 hours. Although I feel as though I have lost a pretty nasty fight, my nauseua is not half as bad as it was before the surgery. I will be on bed rest for another few days and then I should be back to my normal self and be able to pick up with wedding planning (ps- 41days). You will all be happy to know that I have the bestest future hubby in the world b/c Jacob gave me a blessing and has not barely left my side the entire time. Heavenly Father has surely blessed me with the most caring, loving, compassionate man as my eternal companion. I am so very lucky to be marrying him! So keep me in your prayers that my recovery will be speedy. No matter what, I will be at my Bridal Shower this coming Saturday (even if in a wheelchair)! You are ALL invited and I hope to see you there.

God Bless,
Crystal M Center "Krausz"

Bridal Shower Info:
Enterprise Ward Building
May 31st
The theme is provident living so church materials, dvds, emergency prepardness, and food storage.

3 people love me:

the happy thomas family said...

my goodness! glad to hear that you are on the mend. amen to your comment about not getting any rest in a hospital. after having our little boy, i was so ready to get out of there just so that i could get some sleep. the nurse(s) would come in my room in the middle of the night to find me wide awake. "don't you ever sleep?", they would ask. I would think to myself, "well certainly not with you coming in every five minutes...". here's to a quick recovery for you. i know you have lots on your mind right now, but remember to take it easy!

Angie said...

Wow, Crystal, I'm so sorry! I'm glad you made it to the hospital and were able to get the medical help you needed. You're in my thoughts. Get well!

Mormonator said...

Good golly miss molly. Glad to know that everything is alright. Kudos to Jacob for "making" her call a doctor and for not leaving her side. Sometimes people need a little push to take care of themselves.