Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My goals for the summer:

As you all know, I am incredibly OCD. Fact. Since I entered high school in 1997, I have NEVER had a summer off from schooling. I went to summer school each summer at EHS then straight into college where I also attended every semester possible. Now that I have finally achieved the Masters, I need a stinkin' break. But, wait, what shall I do?! Multitasking is a specialty of mine. To cure my quandry, I am making a goals list. I am going to post it and everything. (Those of you that know how flippant Jake is are probably laughing now)...

My Goals:
* Read 25 books including The Book of Mormon

* Get the new house organized so that I can have friends over

* Throw at least 3 "Girls Nights" to redeem my sanity (yours too)

* Finish my Wedding Scrapbook

* Make 2 Baby Scrapbooks

* Make my cousin's Wedding Scrapbook (can you tell I like my Cricut?)

* Learn how to use my sewing machine

* Plant a garden

* Use my Wii Fit to get me (and Jake) in shape

* Be proactive and get all my school stuff in order for the fall before it gets here

* Go to the Georgia Aquarium

* Attend a wedding (Zach Tanner)

Hmmmm I have probably missed something here. None the less I know my list might sound insane to most of you, but I need lists that are almost impossible to help me survive. Perhaps I should add "make a baby" in there to make the stakes even higher. It should be interesting to see how many of these I actually get done with.

6 people love me:

the happy thomas family said...

hooray for lists. they make me happy.

setting goals... good for you! and if you don't accomplish them all, i give you an A for effort! i find that although i have lots that needs to be done, i feel i 'can't' set goals for myself without setting myself up for failure. while you are ocd, i am a really bad perfectionist. if i don't get it ALL done, i feel i haven't been productive. it's been really bad the last several months. i'm working on it. but again - i'm so proud of you.

i will surely be (if i'm invited) at your girly parties. i need them. in a bad, bad way - i NEED them.

so looking forward to twilighth party number dos. i'll be the one with the puzzle :) . love you - remember that.

the happy thomas family said...

what is twilighth? TWILIGHT TWILIGHT TWILIGHT TWLIGHT TWLIGHT... something else that makes me happy :) .

Jacob and Crystal Krausz said...

hhahahahhahahahah times a billion!

i lover you

Kristy said...

oh how I remember those days. Enjoy this time, I know it hard to imagine not knowing what to do all summer, but soon you will wish you had this time back. Once you decide to have little ones, the phrase, your life is not your own now become very much in the fore front. Kids are wonderful, but take time to soak up this me time, it a wonderful time.

Angie said...

Good luck with that list. It's massive.

Crystal said...

Great List! I love to-do lists. I have a running life list that I try to look at from time to time to remind myself what it is I want to do before I kick the ole bucket. I commend you on your list. Good luck!