Thursday, June 25, 2009

What's New With The Krausz Hausz

Hello bloggers! I realize that I have been a very bad little blogess the last week and, for that, I do apoligize. Things in the Krausz Hausz have been rather busy for a mommy that is on summer break. It seems as though each year I have all these plans for my summer vacation and then life hits. Surprise! =-)

My little missy DID get to come home from the h
ospital last Wednesday. She was given instructions to lay low with very little physical activity for a week. These people had my dog for a week so should have known this would be rather impossible. I will say, however, that she did quite better than I had imagined. Yesterday she went back for her check-up and had gained a total of 10lbs since she first went to that Vet. Wow! Her little ribs are starting to disappear and she even went for a run around the neighborhood with me yesterday.

Big brother Aiden was quite the sad pand
a while sissy was away at the hospital. He would literally mope around all day and even went on a 3-day hunger strike. For those of you that know my 1st doggychild, you know that he rarely goes an hour without food! I was worried about him being so excited about sissy being home, that he might hurt her or pull out stitches by trying to play BUT he was her little protector the entire week. It was so stinking cute that I should have videoed it.


Jake is still in summer classes at EOCC and really loves getting up at the crack of dawn for school *sarcasm*. Verizon has announced that all the Reps in Enterprise will be let go at the end of the year. Not good. So I am working hard-core on his resume and looking for new positions in the local area. If any of you know of positions for Spanish translators, feel free to pass that info along.

Minus spending 100% of my time watching and caring for my baby girl, I have been pretty good. Last weekend I snuck away and got to attend my 10yr high school reunion. WHAT?! It was awesome getting to see all of my girl squad from childhood. They all look amazing. We did decide though that all the boys must had drank and ate far too much in the last 10yrs because most of them are rather large. teeheee.... Now the rest of my summer is going to be spent focusing on that enormous to-do list that I created at the start of summer and preparing for a new and fun year at EHS.

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